Guest Speaker
Share your experiences and knowledge with students about career opportunities, employee expectations, and provide examples of the kinds of skills and talents needed in industry.
Career Exploration / Company Tours (Large group)
Introduce students to your company and the people/careers at your site by hosting a tour of your site. Tours are typically between two and five hours.
Professional Interview Days / Career Fairs
Talk with a class about your profession or meet with high school freshman and sophomore students in small groups to answer questions about how you prepared for your career and what you do at work.
Share Business Expertise / Industry Event
Communicate with students and teachers about your business and specific area of expertise. Events can include panels, presentations, meetings, conferences, labor market forums, and seminars.
Job shadows
Students and Instructors have the opportunity to shadow industry professionals at a place of business to gain first-hand experience of the skills and abilities required on the job. A job shadow is a one-on-one or a small group of students or instructor assigned to one employer between 5-25 hours.
Mentor a Student
Career-related mentoring creates a relationship between a student and an adult, generally over the course of seveal months, where the mentor offers insight into his or her career, the necessary academic and skill/knowledge preparation, guidance, motivation, and provides assistance to the student exploring the career.
Provide a Project / Provide Feedback
Suggest a real-world industry-project for students to complete in the classroom that requires a presentation, the development of a product, and/or some interaction with a team of students as they work on solutions. Industry experts to help review, provide perspective, and offer feedback on projects or a presentation and help assess students’ attainment of industry-related skills.
Internships: Paid or Unpaid
You will provide students work experience by offering a paid or unpaid training experience to high school seniors and/or college students throughout the year.
Join an Industry Council
Connect with community leaders, educators and business partners to provide input about what should be taught in classes, what equipment should be used and current job/skills demands.
Host Faculty Externships
You will host a teacher for up to one week to allow a first-hand understanding about how you company works. The teacher will then take that experience back to the classroom to share with the students.
Provide Financial Support / Create a Scholarship
Your company/organization will participate in OFCV's scholarship program as a matching partner to help Coachella Valley students get to and through college.
For more information, please contact one of the following:
Kim McNulty
Ernie Rios (Scholarships)